Billy Rogers
Paint The Jars. Paint the exterior of the jelly jars with your paint color. I prefer the metallic colors, because they really add a nice sheen. Use 3 coats per jar and don't worry about covering fully (the paint will be slightly transparent).
Paint The Metal Rings. Paint the outside and top of the metal band (ring). You'll want to paint at least 2 coats on the rings.
Attach The Ribbon. Using your glue gun attach the ribbon to the outer rim of the ring. Watch out for burnt fingertips, because believe it or not, hot glue on a metal surface can feel like molten lava.
Attach The Jute Roping. Tie your jute roping into a bow just below the ribbon for an extra touch.
Insert The Candle. Turn your battery operated tea lights on and slide them into the jars. You can purchase tea lights that come with remote controls, so you don't have to remove the candles to turn them off and on.