I mailed out my Christmas cards today.
I felt a little old-fashioned standing in line at the post office, a stack of cards in hand, waiting for my turn to buy Christmas stamps. I bought the ornament stamps, BTW. It seems that in this day and age, fewer and fewer people are sending out cards.

I remember sending out cards the very first year that I had moved out of my Mom's house. It seemed a right of passage. I was a grown-up now, in my eyes at least, so I was sending out my very own slice of Christmas cheer.
I used to endlessly scour the stores to pick out the exact card that I thought personified who I was. And even though what personified me changed each year, I just knew THE cards when I found them.
I would sit down on the floor in front of my coffee table, new pen in hand (had to be a new pen), cold beer hot chocolate in front of me and write out my cards. And not just sign them, actually write a little holiday blurb in each one specific to the intended recipient.
To say I used to enjoy Christmas card writing immensely would be an understatement. To say I am a little bit of a dork about all things Christmas-related would also be an understatement.
Now it seems that more and more people are doing away with sending out cards. Not sending them altogether or sending ecards instead. To me, opening an ecard is just not the same as opening up a paper card from someone. There's something about the anticipation of seeing the cards come in the mail, opening the envelope, catching a glimpse of the pretty scenes on the front and reading the message tucked away inside the card.
Clicking, reading, and having a giant dog wearing a Santa hat tap dance across your computer screen is just not the same.
But with today's new-fangled technologies, ie Facebook and email, it seems like Christmas cards are not a necessary part of keeping in touch with someone. You don't have to wait all year long to see that their kid got out of braces or they took a vacation to Hawaii. Their life is all in front of us daily, if we choose to accept them as a "friend".
I wonder if, in five years, I will send out cards at all.
Do you still send out Christmas cards?
And why is the snowcat above smoking pipe?
Please feel free to print out any of the images and use them in your holiday crafting.
Yes, I still send out cards, though the list has gone down in number. It seems to me that it is a little bit of cheer that I can pass along. I love receiving them, but only get two or three every year--I just believe in sending them anyway. They are one of my favorite things about Christmas --I collect them; rarely throw away one, and my mother was the same way--I have her collection of cards as well, and cherish them. As a dog lover and a person who tries to do artwork myself, I have ended up with many, many dog cards and beautiful snowy landscapes. One good thing about my collection: I will never ever have to buy them again, unless I just cannot resist one, which does happen! In years past, I hit the sales and bought so many that I just go to my stash and pick out what I want to send each year!
How do I print these?
Sherry Mitchell
I also am sending vintage cards . I love them and feel sad that people are not caring about Christmas Tradittions. I still do. Merry Christmas to Everyone 🍃🌹🍃