I started out on Friday morning very cheerful. It was my son's last day of school for the year, so my last day to be totally carefree and fancy free and able to flit from from garage sales to estate sales to thrift stores without a thought in the world.
It was a day full of possibilities.
First on my list was stopping off at an estate sale to buy this beauty that they had shown on their website.
Ain't she purdy?
I have wanted an old croquet set for years. But not just any one, it had to have a certain look about it. The look that this one had. This was the perfect croquet set. The one I had in my head when I pictured a vintage croquet set. Get the idea? Oh, yeah, I wanted this!!!
Well, as I am driving up to the sale a mere two minutes after the sale started, I see a woman walking out of the house with my croquet set.
For a second, I had a thought run through my head that involved me tripping the woman, throwing $14 at her (the price prominently taped to the set), grabbing the thing and running back to my car. Just a fleeting thought, but nonetheless it was sort of disturbing.
So, of course, the rest of the day was occupied by thoughts of "This item sure is nice, but it's not my croquet set", "Boy, I wish they had a croquet set here" and "Why didn't I just leave my house ten minutes earlier and then I would have my croquet set parked in my trunk".
OK, enough about the one that got away! Done, it's gone. Get over it, Pam!
So what I do have to show, that I actually did buy, is a cabinet that I purchased for a song at a garage sale.
I think it is a bathroom cabinet or possibly a small kitchen cabinet. It has a wonderful, practically pristine porcelain top. A little bit of the original paint is chippy, but I thought that gave it a little bit of charm.
And it has these cool round knobs that sort of look and feel like Bakelite.
It was marked at $25.00, but when I opened the drawer and commented on what good shape it was in, the woman immediately said she could let it go for $20.00. Maybe if I would have commented on the nice knobs she would have dropped the price again, but at that point I just wanted to get the cabinet in my van before she changed her mind.
Or someone tripped me. Because there was a woman eyeing me as I was putting it in the back of my van. Could have sworn she muttered something about "her cabinet".
And BTW, when you come home with a terrific find is your husband's first question "Do you have a place to put it"?
Like that matters?
I feel your pain, Pam. I missed out on a pantry for my kitchen at an auction this weekend. The auctioneer didn't see/hear my bid. :o(
Better luck next weekend to both of us. Your little cabinet is great.
I had a long comment going when the computer froze up on me. If it lets me I'll finisih it and send.
You should have offered to play croquet with the woman and winner got to buy the set!
An old set is on my hunting list as well. I agree, not just any one will do.
Happier Than a Pig in Mud
Cute cabinet, love the top:@)
Oh, Pam! I feel your pain! Love the cabinet, may have been in an old doctor's office with that metal top. I got my vintage croquet set off Craigslist by doing a wanted ad. Someone said they had one in the attic and never thought about selling it. $20.00 and worth it. My DAUGHTER asked me where I was going to put it!
Charlene Austin
I would have tripped her for sure!!
And why do husbands always ask that? I don't say anything when he buys new golf balls. I don't say where are you going to put those and what are you going to do with them?? Men! Thank God he agreed that the chair was cool. That doesn't always happen.
A Rosy Note
Cute cabinet, Pam! That's too bad about the croquet set. Was there swearing involved? Not that I would say a cuss word or anything 😉 Aren't husbands' questions annoying? If I would've bought that cabinet, mine would've said something like "What's that?" and I would've wanted to reply something like "A bbq grill. What does it look like?" That sounds mean doesn't it? lol.
Heather at Happy Chippy Junk
Oh I love that little black and white lady...I would have taken her home too!!
Heather at Happy Chippy Junk
Oh I love that little black and white lady...I would have taken her home too!!
Oh I hate when that happens! Crazy woman- Like SHE needed that croquet set! Seriously!!! I like your little cabinet though. HOWEVER~ You have to learn the language of "coming home" so you can avoid "where are you going to put it, Pam" questions. When HE says- "So..what did you buy at the garage sale today?"..you say..NOTHING! It's like magic because there IS NO follow up questions. Of course, it IS hard to hide a hutch..or a cabinet...next time buy clothes and put them all on under what you are wearing! He'll never notice- trust me! xo Diana
Where ARE you going to put it, Pam? LOL
Olive Cooper
I remember playing croquet...boy I am old. I am sad you did not get the set but you will get one I am sure. The cabinet is a happy, happy find. ♥O
Oh I had a similar thing happen that I still think about. I went to an estate sale and there was a kitchen aid mixer there. I asked the people how much. $30! but it had sold 5 minutes before!! But Something better always comes later 🙂
Kim K.
I'm sorry about the croquet set, but your cabinet is simply DIVINE!! Good for you!!
All That Glitters
I hate when that happens too!
All husbands must ask that same question LOL Love your cabinet and sorry about the croquet set.
Love the story, hate you didn't get the croquet set! Love the cabinet, yes, who thinks about where you'll put it!