It's been a little while since I've shown some of my thrifty finds, so I thought I'd show you what I found this week. Don't get too excited, because it's a short list.
Ta-da. This is a footed silverplated bowl that I bought at an estate sale on Friday. 50% off, so it was only $3.00.
Doesn't it look quite fancy juxtaposed against the worn, chippy wood of the bird house?
Well, I will admit that I felt a little foolish walking out the door to take these photos. Camera around my neck, silverplated dish in one hand and a piece of bumpy fruit in the other.
I was hoping the neighbor wasn't going to drive down their driveway and ask me what I was taking photos of. A bowl, why do you ask?
You see, I used to just take photos of my thrifty finds with the gravel driveway as a backdrop. Just sort of took the items out of my van, sat them in the gravel or the grass next to the driveway and snapped away.
Then I started to get all artsy fartsy and try to take photos in better locations. With more interesting backdrops.
Now I'm stopping my car alongside the road to pick up some hedge apples, because I can envision them looking cool in the silver bowl that I just bought. Let's rearrange that hedge apple so that the microscopic piece of dirt on it doesn't show. Oh, and wow, I can use the yellow tree as a backdrop, so I can take advantage of some of the fall foliage. And then if the leaves aren't quite in the right spot, I can throw some of them up in the air and see if they land in a more "natural" position on the ground.
Where does this all stop? Am I going to try to make my trashcan look more photogenic by dragging it out to the flower beds? And then rearrange the garbage contents so that the macaroni and cheese box is at a better angle?
This whole photography thing is getting to be life changing. And slightly scary.
BTW, not saying I'll be stopping the artsy fartsy photos or anything. Just an observation on the life of a blogger.
Linking with Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch To Yours and Farmhouse Friday at LaurieAnna's Vintage Home.
I love your silver dish and monkey apple! They are all over the sides of the road in some places here....I myself was tempted to grab some for a photo shoot. You beat me to it, Pam! Don't they have the coolest textures? Osages, they are called, I think. andrea@townandprairie
Sherry @ No Minimalist Here
Pam, I know my neighbors call me the crazy lady on the corner. I am always bringing home strange things and photographing them in the yard. Love the cute silver dish and the birdhouse. I would love for you to drop by and enter my giveaway.
PⒿ @ $ € € ₦$ ₣®0₥...
The colors, textures and juxtaposition of fancy with rustic make for a fabulous composition. Well done!
I'm your newest follower. Please stop by and say hi.
PⒿ @ $ € € ₦$ ₣®0₥...
The colors, textures and juxtaposition of fancy with rustic make for a fabulous composition. Well done!
I'm your newest follower. Please stop by and say hi.
Ann@A Sentimental Life
wonderful pictures!! love the hedgeapple...the best color of green. I am always checking out where my neighbors are before I head out to take pictures!!
Rosenbergh Fam
I never knew what those things were called! I've called them "monkey brains," for as long as I can remember! ha ha. Great photos!!
Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads
I know everyone likes that footed bowl, but I'm really digging that birdhouse. And the things we do to get those photographs! I draw the line, though, about going outside in my pjs!
I love your finds, and that first photo would be really cool in black and white, too. All those textures...
Depends on what brand of mac and cheese...Pack up for Florida, I will retire and babysit your kids...LOL
The Vintage Chateau
I love your post, so funny! and the silver compote is a great find!
Country Dreaming
I laughted at your comment about your neighbor--I'm sure our neighbors think I have lost my mind at times--oh well. It is funny how we can't just take a picture, no thye have to have a certain look about them or mine get deleted and I do it over.
Great pics by the way!
The Summer Porch
Good Morning Pam!
I love the way your header changes really creative...
I'm so loving your visuals.
The beginning is amazing but I really like what you did with the last picture. You have that many leaves still hanging around? Everything is looking mighty stark around here these November days.
Have a great weekend,
Hugs Rosemary...xx
Ya know if ya slice hedge apples and toss 'em under your house, in a storage buildin' or attic ya won't have a spider or a mouse problem.
Just sayin'. This Ozark Farm Chick does that and it work fantastically.
Your pictures are just beautiful! Can ya believe when the 'lectric guys put up a new generator box yesterday they took down a birdhouse? Really...the nerve of some people! Heeehehehe!
God bless and ya'll have a magnificent weekend strait the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa.
We're havein' a weddin' here tomorrow. Gotta run.........
Linda@Coastal Charm
Love your new piece of silver...wonderful price! Those hedge apples are so awesome..we have them here, but my hubby has always called them osage oranges...maybe they are a little different, but they look just like yours:) I so need to get some this year.
The mac and cheese comment cracked me up 🙂 Sometimes all these blogs can get a bit pretentious, but it helps to be able to laugh at yourself! Thanks for keeping it real...
Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes
You are so funny! I think we bloggers understand what you did and why you did it. We are funny ourselves in that way. The little vignette turned out to be very pretty. The leaves are beautiful and made the whole scene special.-----
I love hedge apples and bought some a few weeks ago. I'm trying to dry them. Have you ever dried any? Your photos are really nice.