Since the day I moved into this house I have wanted to do something decorative with this windowsill above the bathtub.
Our cat Otis used to sit in this window, so I never put anything in it before now. But he's getting older and hasn't jumped in this window for quite a while, so I thought it was safe to finally stick something up there.
It was just shouting out for some bright glass items.
This is a pressed glass milk or juice pitcher.
And two fairly similar vases.
A Reese Chemical Company bottle that says for external use only and to use 4 times a day. But I don't see where it tells you what the medicine was.
A Wyeth bottle with the
eyewash stopper attached.
A small bottle and two more vases.
Two Hazel Atlas Chevron pattern beauties. I assume this smaller one is a creamer,
but not sure what the larger one would be. Milk pitcher maybe? Juice?
Oh, and I was dead wrong about the cat. As soon as he saw me fussing around up there he decided that he wanted to claim it again.
Picture a cat jumping toward the window only to realize mid-way through said jump that there was no room to land. Thus having to contort his body in an unnatural manor and land in the bathtub. Luckily it was not filled with water.
So my blue glass arrangement lasted about ten minutes before I had to move it for its own safety. Now it's back to being a cat shelf. Was pretty while it lasted.
Does anyone else have that problem - you have to decorate your house around your animals?
Sarah @ Modern Country Style
Our cats constantly try and trample over my keybouard as I type!!!
Your blue bottles look so pretty up there....and I bet when the sun streams through it must look dazzling!
Gillian Layne
Oh, yes. Cat is laying next to my keyboard as I type, and dog is at my feet. Everything I do (or don't do...) is with them in mind. But what would I do without house would be prettier, but not nearly as cozy. 🙂
Ms. Bake-it
Just last evening I was bemoaning this same issue! I cannot have pretty vignettes on tables nor can I display anything in my windows. I too love cobalt glass and have been collecting it for years but the current batch of furbabies prevent me from displaying them in windows like I used to. I never had a problem before with my other furbabies but this crew marches to a different drummer! Oh yes, I definitely make decorating decisions based on the habits of my pets.
~ Tracy
Sherry @ No Minimalist Here
Hi Pam, The blue glass in the window was stunning...too bad you had to move it so quickly. I don't have pets but do grandkids count? Thanks for joining my party.
Oh, yes it happens here too. Decorate around the cat. As he has gotten older,there is less he can jump up on. I use that museum sticky stuff in places he can get to. That would work on your window sill, but actually the cat looks pretty good there! What we give up for our animals! Love them.
I love that blue color! It was indeed very pretty while it lasted.
I have two cats, and what they will or will not eat/destroy/knock over/step on definitely determines a lot of our decor! Changing IT is easier than changing THEM.
Amy Kinser
Your blue glassware is simply beautiful in that window. And, that tree through the window is gorgeous.
So happy you stopped by my blog.
Blessings, Amy
Yep...cats are like that..:)))
Beautiful window, beautiful glassware and beautiful cat.
I am your newest follower and I thank you for coming by to see me today.
Oh, cats are so goofy! I have two, they do the same sort of thing. Your cobalt blue glassware is really pretty! And it really was a perfect window for the glass... but I wouldn't want anything to get broken.
Your glassware is so lovely. My dog likes to scratch the upholstery on my couch and loveseat. When she passes away I get to buy a new set. She's almost 17 years old and healthy as can be. I'd rather have her, tho.
Wanda @ Just Vintage
Too funny! Those darn cats! Otis will show you who's getting older. So there! Hrmph. LOL Well, you got to enjoy the sun shining through the beautiful blue glass for a few minutes, anyway.
And yes, I have to decorate around my cat, too. Only her thing is tee-teeing on rugs. Or clothes that have fallen in the floor. Or anything fabric that fell on the floor. Or the carpet in the one carpeted room. I finally moved the litter box in the room near where she preferred to go. That worked for a little while then I changed the litter. Everything was all clean and fresh and she stopped using it. So today I tried pee pads. Sure enough. She used one. What we do for our furbabies.
Gloria (The Little Red House with the White Porch)
Greetings, Pam! I am finally getting around to my favorite blogs after being offline so long with my laptop problems! I LOVE the blue bottles and pitchers up on the window sill -- too bad your kitty had to reclaim it! I will have to go and read some of your older posts to catch up! Hope you and your hubby have been well.
Hi Pam, thanks for visiting me today. The glass was beautiful but I'd choose the cat any day! I've enjoyed looking around your blog and reading about your thrift store finds. I live in the middle of nowhere now and don't get to thrift much anymore so I'm a little envious. Not that I need one more thing in the house 🙂
Pam, these are beautiful pictures! Yes, we have to decorate around the hounds. They take things from low shelves. This past month, they keep stealing a box of lens holders with my vintage camera display. Each lens has a small leather case. They love the leather cases. Lucky me
A Rosy Note
That was a good idea with the bottles Pam, too bad it didn't last. My cat's the same way, I have to be careful where I put flowers or plants or he'll be all over them.
All That Glitters
So pretty!!!! My parents collected blue bottles! Yelp! I have to decorate my baby!