Birds are my thing right now.
Used to be china dogs. Now it's china birds. Next it will be china platypuses.
I know china figurines are probably thought to be a bit Great-Grandmotherly, but I'm on a campaign to make them cool again! Just watch, Pottery Barn will be all about china figurines in their next catalog.
But how do you decorate with china birds without making them too kitschy?
Decorating With China Bird Figurines
In The Hallway
This little bird themed table is in the hallway between two of the bedrooms.
It all started with some salt and pepper shakers found at the thrift store.
I added some brown vintage books for height, some old silver pieces and a chalkboard.
And a huge pinecone to fill up some space.
In The Living Room
I also used the bird theme on my coffee table vignette in the living room.
This brown little bone china bird figurine is a piece of English chinaware.
On the bottom it says Designed and Modelled by J.T. Jones and manufactured by Crowns Staff England.
I found this old hankie in my stash and it was the perfect colors to go with my muted decor.
I carried over the pinecone theme and added a nest with a feather and a pottery vase to round out the vignette.
It all sets atop a thrifted silver tray.
A tray is a great way to keep the vignette contained and also makes it so much easier to dust around!
In The Entryway
Finally, I also used birds and pinecones on my entryway table.
Nothing too fussy, just a vase of pinecone greenery, a typewriter and a bird.
Tippi Hedren has nothing on me.
Run, Tippi, run!
Pam, your vignettes have brought spring inside...until it really arrives!
Leslie Harris
You have such a naughty sense of humor. That photo from The Birds cracks me up. I'll have you know I was quite afraid of big black birds after that movie haha. Love your vignettes. You've got a great eye, Pam.
Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)
I love bird themed anything. My living room has lots of little bird features. It's a vry classic look.
I like the figurines too, they look very charming 🙂
I can stare at your pictures for hours! I love how you put things together.. Now, I am embarrassed when you see my crummy decor lol.. Loving your style...
Lynn@ The Vintage Nest
I'm being grandmotherly right along with you. Little birds perched all over my house. 🙂 Cute cute post.
Melissa C
New reader and I adore your site!
Birds are great decor and I love how you used the feather. Great style!
TracyMB @ Crows Feet Chic
We love birds at our house and always have a few nestled in here and there. I LOVE the look of the feathers in the silver!!! What kind of bird contributed those? Very pretty. I always keep an eye peeled for nice vintage bird statues... since turning 50 I think it's permitted. 🙂
With pretty displays like these your campaign is sure to be a hit! I have a soft spot for birds myself and have a few figurines.
fyi Exhibit A is my fav.
love the figurines AND the laugh at the end! : )
Rick Watson
Nice work.
Rick ~ Your latest follower.
Infuse With Liz your humor! That's one of my favorite Alfred Hitchcock movies the Birds! I really like what you've created here! I agree....soon Pottery Barn will copycatting you! The little bird by the pine cone and on the book are so perfect! Loving the feathers in the cup and the grape vine wreath on it's side with the silver trophy! That gives me an idea that I needed! All your vignettes are cute. I especially like the old royal typewriter with the cedar wax wing bird next to it and the greens in that neat vase! I can see you've had some fun doing all this!
Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces
Love everyone of your wonderful vignettes, Pam! The silverplate, nests, and feathers just add to the great look! Who doesn't love birds? Tippi, obviously lol!
That's me in the last picture running from the buzzards. They left when the temps got so cold. But yesterday they were back.....stupid birds.
I do like yours. I bough some awhile back but gave them away. I will have to find some more.
Dining Delight
Fantastic vignette! Love the rustic nature of it and cheers to you for going with what you love rather than what's "in"! You are right, after seeing what you do with "china birds", I'm sure PB will be all over it! Enjoyed my visit here!
The way you display them you can bring them back for sure. I love all things bird. I stand at my kitchen window and watch the birds feeding all the time.
Sweet Posy Dreams
The feathers add a nice touch!