I went to the Springfield Antique Show and Flea Market this weekend and had a great time.
On Thursday, I had asked my Facebook followers for suggestions on what the heck to do with my little old granny shopping cart that I was planning on taking to the show. I had wanted to sew a cute liner for it, but had run out of time and energy.
Polly had mentioned a grain sack and since I had one just sitting here doing nothing, it sounded like an easy fix. I just clipped the sack to the inside of the cart with binder clips (who knew Office Max was vintage now) and then whenever I bought anything small, I would put it in the sack. That way things wouldn't get lost through the holes of the cart. It would have looked so much cooler if the sack was large enough to cover the entire inside of the cart, but this was all about making do with what I had.
They had a new section at the show this year that featured higher end vendors. A lot of store owners. This photo happens to be from Sue Whitney's booth (Miss JunkMarket Style herself).
And Folk Magazine had a whole barn set up.
If these guys would have fit into my shopping cart, I would have brought them home with me. Every girl in Ohio needs a cow or two.
Remember last year when I was dying to find an old croquet set and looked all over and then finally found one. Well, I found at least 30 of them at the sale this weekend. Everywhere I looked, my husband would point out another one. Someone must have heard me last year and decided that this summer would be the year of the croquet set.
There were thousands of chairs around the show. With my chair fetish, you would have thought I would have come home with one or two. But no, I was chairless.
Not sure who would buy this, because it's basically just a used toilet, no matter what color it is. You are buying something that people used to doodie in!
I was this close to buying this guy. Plus it was late in the show and I was a little hungry for a snack, so it would have killed two birds with one stone.
This Santa was very expensive. The tag said it was stuffed with horsehair.
I can't imagine why Santa is in jail though. He does look a little shifty.
Oh no, Santa! How could you?
All in all, it was a great day. Great weather, great eye candy and great inspiration.
And nothing fell through the bottom on my shopping cart! Oh, a wheel did fly off though. My MacGyver husband fixed it on the spot though with one of the binder clips. I knew I had those binder clips with me for a reason.
Looks like a fun sale where a person could spend some serious cash. The sleigh photo and captions made me laugh.❤
I wanna cow!
p.s. For some reason, I couldn't access your blog last night. I'm good now!
Fun fun fun...our kind of day right here. Although, my boys would disagree!
I would have gone for the sleigh and santa. Christmas is only 7 months away. Lovely shopping cart you rigged up, by the way. Looks like a fun day.
What great day. Sounds like you had a great time. Some interesting items there.
@ 3Beeze Homestead
I am so jealous that you went here! We have nothing like this on the Island! The weather looks amazing too...we have had cold raining weather!!!
Ann@A Sentimental Life
Hey! saw my trash can in one of the pics. Your right, that santa looks shifty!!
I use my cart for garden utilizes, bamboo spikes etc for the garden
Kim K.
I've been anxious to hear all about the show and you certainly didn't disappoint. Great pictures. I think I need a cart now. Your fancy binder clips (and my no sewing ability) have inspired me.
very merry vintage style
Looks like it was a great show. Love that sleigh!
Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces
Wow this looks like a fun show! Love your photos! Misread the description of the "shifty" Santa...thought maybe he needed that pink toilet lol!
Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions
Great pictures, Pam! I have my post scheduled for Thursday. Weren't those store vendor booths gorgeous? Shortly after I got there I saw so many people with carts and decided right then I need to get one for future outings. I was thinking a laundry bag might fit and you could add ruffle, a transfer or stencil to it to dress it up. Well, that's what I'm going to try anyway. : )
Happier Than a Pig in Mud
Looks like a fun day Pam! While I would have left the furry critter behind, I agree, what OH or PA yard couldn't use a cow:@)
I always know I'm going to get a good chuckle when I visit your blog :). Lucky you...some of my "junk" was there in the junkmarket booth...but I wasn't. I would love to make the trip one of these times...someday!! laurel
wow-What a lot of stuff to see. Kinda Scary Santa though and what about the dead reindeer in the sleigh?;>) AND NOT A FAN of used toilets! xo Diana
Olive Cooper
I want a croquet set Pam. Wheres mine? I have so many issues with my blog. Nine tenths of my side bar is gone-it's a good thing my life has been rife with issues and I can ignore this for the time being. hugs, olive
Into Vintage
I feel exactly the same about those cute ironstone chamber pots ... EW. I don't care how hard they were scrubbed with bleach. Looks like a great day although what's up with all the taxidermy? I haven't read anything about that in Country Living yet. 😉