Using my vintage, farmhouse and retro Christmas decor to decorate my home this holiday season.
It seems like in the world of blogs you need to constantly outdo yourself each year for Christmas decor. The wreaths get fancier, the trees get bigger, the packages under the tree get more elaborate (you know those are empty boxes that someone spent a ridiculous amount of time wrapping just for you, right?).
The decor gets more and more "staged" looking. And less and less like a real person lives there.
Believe me, no one is going to have a sip of that hot cocoa with a snowflake shaped marshmallow floating in it while sitting on that perfectly decorated bench with that "casually" thrown plaid comforter wrapped around their legs.
So this year, whenever I had the urge to add one more thing into my holiday decor routine, I would step back and ask myself "Am I doing this for me and my family to enjoy? Or am I doing this because it might make a nice photo opp for the blog".
If it was the latter, then I just dropped the glue gun and stepped back into realityville.
I prefer to know that if one of you knocked on my door tomorrow you would see the exact same scene I am showing you today, give or take a few dog toys on the carpet and Coke cans on the counter.
I am what I am, as Popeye would say.
So here's my . . .
Vintage, Farmhouse, Retro Kind Of Holiday Home Tour:
I bought this snowman mug at a local vintage/craft/everything store and he's one of my favorite things. Sure, he's gotten a little discolored and worn over the ages, but haven't we all?
Santa kicked the turkey out and has taken over the cupcake stand.
Here's a close up of the Gurley candle choir people I scored this year. Well, two out of three, the third guy was too shy for a close up.
These were my mom's NOEL candle holders. I think they're either Lefton or Napcoware??? But they're always the first thing I pull out of the Christmas bins each year.
This is just a print I bought at a gift shop and it's hung from a pant hanger. Odd, since I'm pretty sure Santa isn't wearing pants here.
Santa's multiplying.
I love that I have Santa mugs I can actually drink out of this year. I was always afraid of getting lead poisoning, diphtheria or something out of the vintage ones.
I just love my white tree with my mom's vintage Shiny Brites on it! There's nothing like the whiteness to bring out the colors of the Shiny Brites.
I was sort of mixing styles by throwing the tree in the bushel basket though, but I think it looks pretty good in there!
I repurposed the throw I had shown you on my front porch post into a table runner here in the dining room. (So I guess that's one thing that won't look quite the same if you come knocking on my door).
And my plaid Nesco picnic basket from The Country Living Fair. You gotta love plaid!
OK, go forth and decorate, eat cookies and be merry!
Enjoy those holidays before they're gone and there's just the dead of winter to look forward to! I think it's 2 degrees out as I'm writing this, so it's coming quickly.
Some other holiday posts you may enjoy:
A Vintage Eclectic Holiday Home Tour (2015)
Buying Vintage Christmas Decor At The Stores
I forgot to mention I love your décor Especially your snowman mugs and NOEL candle holders that were your mom
Pam, thank you for saying like it is and I never say. I decorate the way we really live. Having MS I don' t have the ability to stage and wouldn't want to, this blog is about my life and love of decorating . I often drag my feet to post at times because things aren't perfect. You have put me at ease, thank you
Good morning Pam, thank you for your home tour. So happy to see someone who has COLOR at Christmas... I too have been gifted with family Shiny Brite glass ornaments and they really show up on your white tree. (Maybe I will flock an old artificial tree I have.) I too decorate with what I love, year after year after year. Thanks again for sharing. Merry Christmas with blessings and smile, Emilou ?
While I was a tad disappointed to not see the dog butt, I loved your reality based Christmas home tour. Your home looks warm and inviting. Here's hoping you're at the leading edge of a new trend in the world of blogs!
Thank you so much for this post Pam! Your home is decorated with love without being over the top and that's what makes it warm and cozy and inviting. Of course I love all your vintage treasures sprinkled throughout and you might find yourself missing a few if I stopped by for hot cocoa. That snowman mug had me at hello. :o)
At the beginning of the Christmas holiday season (Thanksgiving!), I visited all the grand tours sponsored by the big online shopping sites until they all started looking alike to me. At first I wondered why I even wasted my time showing my working class home. But then along came the second wave of home tours and I realized that most of us decorate with what we already have, plus or minus a few new trinkets, and all was right with the world again. Amen.
Love all your Christmas goodness!!
That white tree reminds me of my grandmothers little white tree on a table in the corner of her living room. So many wonderful memories!!
New decorations are nice, but, vintage goodies rock!!
I love the content and meaning of your post! I start feeling a bit inadequate after looking at all of the beautiful blog pictures of everyone's decorations. I love your decor the vintage pieces make me think of my childhood especially those candles! What I would give to have some of those old decorations for my own home! Thank you for taking a step back. I'm finding myself staying away from some of the perfect pictures because I just can't do it and I only have so much time and the perfect look is not me! Thank you!
I'm right there with you! I blog about real life, and on Monday I will also debut my real home tour. No one actually comes to my home so I do all the decor for me, and me alone. If I like it it, it's good enough! Who cares about carrying a specific style, or even having to name it. If you surround yourself with the things you love, it's always in style! This year I loved getting out all of my vintage decor and creating vignettes all over my house. So much fun!
OK, I will admit I went looking for the dog butt. 🙂 Love the homey, REAL feel of these photos!
Pamela Groppe
Ha ha, Bonnie, so did I. 😀
I dialed it waaaaay back this year, and most of my non-blogging friends have done the same. I think it's our age that makes us want to just chill and not get too crazy. I figure I'm over halfway to I really want to spend the last days of Christmas break schlepping stuff up to the attic??
Thanks for sharing your home with us. Your vintage decorations conjured up many memories from my childhood...what a wonderful gift!
Kris @ Junk Chic Cottage
Beautiful Pam. I love your "real" Christmas decor tour. Cozy, festive and fun. Enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas.
My sentiments exactly!!! Almost everything you see on a blog is over-the-top/over-done/staged. And why does one's Christmas decorating have to revolve around a "theme"??? Heaven forbid if you use the same "theme" 2 years in a row. So-oooooo glad to know that there are plain, old folks (like me) who are just about "over" it. LOVE your style, blog and (most of all) your attitude. Merry Christmas!
Thank you for showing a "real" house decorated for Christmas. I follow a few blogs (maybe too many) but honestly when they show their decorated homes I don't even look any more. It is all too staged and not reality, at least not mine.
Just beautiful, Pam! So very homey and welcoming! Love it all! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Oh my goodness, you have the most awesome collection of Christmas, so I'll take your tour any day! I love the ornaments, and all the touches of plaid.
I hear ya on the bigger and better. It gets kind of crazy, and I am always out in left field with no one else, ha.
love,love love it