INSIDE: Turn thrift store baskets into outdoor planters in a few simple steps. They're an inexpensive way to decorate your porch for spring and summer. Find out how to make one here! I've officially gotten the spring gardening bug. The only problem is it's still too early around here to plant very much in the...
Baking Soda Paint Thrift Store Makeover
INSIDE: Discover how to take ordinary thrift store items and make them extraordinary with this textured baking soda paint technique. A quick and easy way to upcycle outdated thrift store finds! When I was out at the thrift store the other day I found this wonderful brass urn. It's light, so I think it's more...
How To Care For Tulips In A Vase: No More Drooping
I adore tulips. To me, they just shout SPRING HAS ARRIVED! But for a while there, I had quit buying them because they were a big old waste of money! You have no idea how often I would buy pretty tulips at the grocery store only to get them home and within 4 hours they...
DIY Shelf Ideas
Learn how to make these stylish and budget-friendly DIY shelving projects in your own home. Easy step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process to create a more organized home this weekend. Shelves are a great way to add style and extra storage to your home. Of course, you can buy shelving units premade if...
Upcycled Garden Tool Organizer
Wow, today's project did not turn out the way I first intended. But I do like the finished project! You see, when I found this old mail organizer at the thrift store I knew what I wanted to use it for. Spoiler Alert - I am repurposing a 1970's mail organizer into a garden tool...
Vintage Inspired Valentine Candy Box Upcycle
Whether giving these as gifts or using them for Valentine's Day decorations, these cute DIY vintage-inspired Valentine candy boxes are a fun and easy craft project bringing a bit of nostalgia back to candy giving. Do you find that most of the Valentine candy boxes found at the stores these days are somewhat childish with...
Upcycling Plates Into A Snowman
When I'm taking down my Christmas decor, I always leave a bit of greenery on the porch outside to transition it from a festive Christmas porch into a more generic winter porch. Normally, I remove my red tartan plaid pillows, the Christmas bow on the wreath, and any obvious Christmas items (bye, bye Santa blow...
Printable 2022 Calendar
This free printable calendar for 2022, using beautiful vintage farmhouse watercolor images, is an inexpensive and cute way to keep track of the new year. I hope you had an amazing stress-free holiday season and you and all your loved ones were able to get together and celebrate. And stay healthy! That healthy part is...
Little Red Wagon Christmas Porch Decor
I may be a little late in posting my Christmas porch this year, but I wanted to show you what I decided to do for Christmas . . . before Valentine's Day hits. This year I wanted to do an easy porch. One that's not over the top, just a typical look that's easy to...